Friday, January 23, 2009

How I Generated More Revenues Without Having a Sale!

You wonder how big the sale should be. How much can I afford to give away before the sale starts costing me funds? How will I word the sale materials so customers don’t take advantage of me? The worries start plus you realize you have a huge task to pull off this sale plus generate real revenue.

You require more revenue plus you require it rapid. The marketing experts tell you to “create a compelling offer.” You immediately think “Sale.”

Unfortunately, in our crowded marketplace, a compelling offer has become synonymous with a “sale.” there's other, better alternatives to motivate customers to buy from you.

This editorial will show you two options that will accomplish your objective of getting more revenues. These options will build a stronger relationship with your customers that the sale won't accomplish.

The Limitations of the “Sale”

The fundamental problem with most sales is that they are cool for the business but not necessarily cool for the customer.

A sale usually starts with a business problem you require your customers to solve for you. You need more cash. you have excess inventory. You need to meet sales quotas. You require to get ready for new merchandise. Your sale is asking the customer to solve your business problem.

There will always be customers who don’t mind being used. Their agenda coincides with your agenda. Quid pro quo.

one Alternative Offerings

When you generate your offering around something they value, however, they look on your offering differently. It becomes more than just a customer transaction. it is the start or the continuation of a relationship that will result in sales now plus in the future. The customer’s primary concern is always how the product or service benefits them plus makes their life better.


Structure your offering around customer convenience plus you have a motivation that does not need sales or discounts. At my daughter’s school recently, the uniform company came to the school to sell uniforms. The parent’s alternative was to drive 30 miles into the city to purchase the uniforms at the company’s store. Parents were lined up forty deep to purchase the uniforms at regular prices. This store made convenience a motivator for the parents to shop.

If your customers are buying your expertise, by enhancing that know-how you give them additional motivation to buy your product or service. Suppose you were in the copywriting business. You announce to your customers that you had just completed a copywriting campaign that generated thousands of dollars for a particular business. Customers now see doing business with you as even more desirable. No discounts; no sales!

Enhance Your Expertise

Those who market golf equipment say the main motivation for customer purchases is praise from others. “Great shot, Bob. You’re driving the ball well!” If your product or service involves these types of motivations, repackage your offering to foster self-esteem plus praise from others. it's more power than a sale!

Self-Esteem plus Praise from Others

I recently worked with an acupuncture clinic. This form of Chinese medicine can heal many ailments plus injuries. they chose to focus their acupuncture marketing on the treatments on athletic injuries because of the current scandals involving the use of harmful drugs plus steroids. they presented their offering as a safe plus natural alternative to more harmful drugs. By presenting an ideal alternative to a current social issue, no sale or discount was required. You can appeal to your customer’s idealism.

Tapping into Social Issues (Idealism)


People require to be part of the “in-group.” They require acceptance. By repackaging your offering to emphasize the popularity of your product or service, you give people another motive for wanting to buy from your business.


Scarcity is another motive that drives customers. It can be expressed in limited product or service quantities; limited editions; selective lines of products; preferred customer programs; limited time; or taking advantage of opportunities. there's some greed in all of us. If they feel they are going to lose out, they get motivated.


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